Call for Papers: the ACSC 17th Biennial Conference
Sep.28-30, 2017, Kunming China
Theme: Canadian Studies and Sino-Canada Strategic Cooperation under One Belt One Road
The Association for Canadian Studies in China (ACSC) will hold the 17th Biennial Conference at Yunnan Agricultural University (YNAU)in Kunming China from September 28 to 30, 2017. Canadianists at home and abroad are warmly welcome to participate. Conference information is below:
Host organizer: The Association for Canadian Studies in China
Sponsor organizer: the Canadian Studies Centre at YNAU
Theme: Canadian Studies and Sino-Canada Strategic under One Belt One Road
Panelswould be divided into the following categories but not limited:
1. One Belt One Road, Canadian economy and Sino-Canada trade cooperation
2. One Belt One Road, Canadian’s returning to Asia-Pacific and Sino-Canada relationship
3. One Belt One Road, Sino-Canada cooperation in the Arctic development, marine economy and environmental issue
4.One Belt One Road, Canadian Agriculture and Sino-Canada agricultural cooperation
5. Canadian multiculturalism, aboriginal and immigration policy
6. Canadian public and social policy
7. Canadian history, education, journalism and communications
8. Canadian literature, art, language and etc.
9. Other topics
Date: September 28-30, 2017 (The registration is on Thursday, September 28, 2017. Meeting is from September 29 to 30)
Location: Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
1. The participants would be roughly 90 Chinese and Canadian scholars.
2. Each participant is encouraged to submit one formal paper.
Important Dates (Standard Time in Beijing, China):
1) Interested scholars should email their abstracts and personal information (please refer to attachment: application form) to the email address ( byApril 30, 2017. Notice of acceptance would be aroundMay 15and invitation will be sent by May 30,2017
2) Deadline for full papers submission is August 30, 2017.
Registration fee and expenditure: registration fee is $100 per person, participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation. However, for the scholars invited by the organizing committee, the conference will cover their costs after landed in Kunming during the event (Sep.28-30).
Contact information:
Contact person: Prof. Bao Hanke Email: acsc_2017@126.comTel: 86-0871-65229803
Address: Canadian Studies Centre of YNAU, No.95 , Jinhei Rd, Kunming650201, Yunnan, PRC.
The ACSC 17th Biennial Conference and Canadian Studies
Application form
Name of organization
Mailing address
Zip code
Paper title
(English and Chinese if possible)
(English and Chinese if possible,within 800 words)