At the invitation of Professor Shi Youqi, President of GDUFS, Ouyang Fei, Consul General of Canada in Guangzhou visited the University on July 8 to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation between GDUFS and Canadian educational institutions. Consul General Ouyang Fei also met with Professor Sui Guangjun, Party Secretary of the University, and Professor Jiao Fangtai, Vice President of the University.

While educational and people-to-people exchanges are important pillars of Canada-China bilateral relations, the cooperation and exchanges between GDUFS and Canada also have a long history. GDUFS has signed student exchange agreements with a number of Canadian institutions, such as the University of British Columbia, the University of Ottawa, the University of Montreal, and the York University. Consul General Ouyang Fei and President Shi discussed how to further expand the partnership in areas of mutual interest. In addition, as GDUFS has one of the most important Center for Canadian Studies in China, the two sides also discussed the role of CCS in promoting China's deeper understanding of Canada.

Canada is very supportive of promoting more extensive student exchanges and building mutual understanding. The Canadian government’s International Education Strategy also calls on more Canadian students to study in China. In this regard, Consul General Ouyang Fei and President Shi discussed ways to attract more Canadian students and experienced Canadian teachers to GDUFS.
In 2019, Canada accepted more than 640,000 international students, including more than 140,000 Chinese students. Among the destination countries for Chinese students studying abroad, Canada ranks third. In Guangzhou, the Guangwai Education Group (GEG) has been cooperating with the Nova Scotia’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development since 2009 to provide courses about Nova Scotia for Chinese students in grades 10-12 who are enrolled in the Foreign Language School affiliated with GDUFS in Guangzhou.
COVID-19 has blocked international travel, which is a major challenge for international students and visiting scholars. Canadian colleges and universities look forward to Chinese students returning to campus this fall.