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加研中心学术讲座—朝鲜半岛局势 6-19

Lecture: Korea between China and US

Date: June 19th, 3:00 p.m.

Place: Rm. 612, Building 8

Content: The July decision by President Park Geun-hye to deploy the High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system as demanded by the United States led the unusual honeymoon period between Seoul and Beijing to a grinding halt. This outcome, however controversial, was largely structurally determined, I argue. In the broader context of a regional geopolitical landscape where security competition has been intensifying, China has had to cope with a U.S.-led alliance structure that is going through a ramped-up phase of upgrading, consolidation and even expansion in both quality and scope. Beijing’s unwillingness to revamp its strategic approach towards an ever-belligerent, nuclear-armed North Korea meant that it only had economic means at its disposal in the attempt to pull South Korea to its orbit. That is why ultimately it fell short.

Lecturer: Dr. Yang is an assistant professor at Yonsei University in South Korea. He received his PhD in political science and international relations from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles. Before joining Yonsei, he was an assistant professor of international affairs at University of North Georgia. He has also held visiting fellowships at Waseda University, University of British Columbia, and Korea University in Seoul.


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